Covers basics of class XI Physics syllabus.
Basic Building Blocks For Beginners
Most suitable for class X/XI students.
Designed to help students grasp basic concepts of class XI Physics .
Covers syllabus of class XI Physics with emphasis on developing problem solving skills.
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Physics deals with a great many quantities that have both size and direction, and it needs a special mathematical language—the language of vectors—to describe those quantities. This language is also used in engineering and the other sciences.
One purpose of physics is to study the motion of objects. In kinematics we study the motion without involving forces if any. In study of motion we need some mathematical tools namely vectors and calculus. This course has exclusive calculus lessons .
The relation between force and acceleration its cause, was first understood by Newton is the subject of this course. Newton’s laws are very simple to state, yet many students find these laws difficult to grasp and to work with.
Frictional forces are unavoidable in our daily lives.If we were not able to counteract them, they would stop every moving object. On the other hand, if friction were totally absent, we could not walk, ride a bicycle and hold a pencil.
In this course you will learn Work energy theorem and principal of conservation of energy which are part of what is known as energy method. Energy method is very helpful in analyzing situations involving variable forces.
In this course you will learn to extend concept of free body diagram and energy method to circular motion. Circular motion may be in horizontal plane as in merry go round or in vertical plane as in giant wheel.
Analyzing complicated motion of any sort requires simplifications. In this course we discuss how the complicated motion of a system of objects can be simplified if we determine a special point of the system—the center of mass of that system.
There are many questions involving forces that cannot be answered by directly applying Newton’s second law. This course deals with an approach which uses two new concepts, momentum and impulse, and a new conservation law, conservation of momentum.
Some of the earliest investigations in physical science started with questions that people asked about the night sky. Why doesn’t the moon fall to earth? Why do the planets move across the sky? The study of gravitation provides the answers to these.
One focus of physics is motion. However, so far we have examined only the motion of translation, in which an object moves along a straight or curved line. We now turn to the motion of rotation about fixed as well as moving axis.
Human constructions like buildings, bridges, automobiles and airplanes are supposed to strong enough to withstand various forces that act on them. When this physics is done correctly , it is subject of countless articles in various journals .
The physics of fluids is the basis of hydraulic engineering. A nuclear engineer might study the fluid flow in the hydraulic system of an aging nuclear reactor, while a medical engineer might study the blood flow in the arteries of an aging patient.
The periodic motion-is a common occurrence in the physical world. The concept of time arises from the observation that certain motions, repeat themselves. An important class of periodic motion involves oscillation, which is what we will discuss.
Ripples on a pond, musical sounds, seismic tremors triggered by an earthquake— all these are wave phenomena. Waves can occur whenever a system is disturbed and when the disturbance can travel, or propagate, from one region of the system to another.
Of all the mechanical waves that occur in nature, the most important in our everyday lives are longitudinal waves in a medium—usually air—called sound waves. The human ear is tremendously sensitive and can detect sound waves of low intensity.
The terms “temperature” and “heat” are often used interchangeably in everyday language. In physics, however, these two terms have very different meanings. In this course you will learn the difference between temperature and heat .
Every time a car is driven, an air conditioner is switched on or a meal is cooked, we reap the practical benefits of thermodynamics. The first law of thermodynamics is extension of principal of conservation of energy.
In this course we’ll pay special attention to the ideal gas. Using our knowledge of momentum and kinetic energy, we’ll relate the macroscopic properties of an ideal gas to the microscopic behavior of its individual molecules.