Course curriculum

    1. Learning Objectives

    2. Message From Instructor

    1. Introduction

    2. Mathematical Description

    3. Relationship Betwenn Pressure And Displacement Amplitude

    4. Problem Discussion

    1. Introduction

    2. Speed In Air: Newton's Formula And Laplace Correction

    3. Dependence Of Speed Of Sound On

    4. Problem Discussion

    1. Kinetic Energy, Potential Energy And Power

    2. Power Another Approach

    3. Intensity

    4. Loudness And Intensity: Decibel

    5. Problem Discussion

    6. Problem Discussion Continued....

    1. Introduction

    2. Interference

    3. Condition Of Maxima And Minima

    4. Phase Difference And Path Difference

    5. Problem Discussion

    1. Standing Sound Waves

About this course

  • ₹999.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content

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